Supporting Programs
Supported by funding from Empowerment Skills International “Website Grant Program” provides government schools with a grant to host the school’s websites.
“Website Grant Program” provides Government Schools, Educational Facilities, with a grant to cover the hosting of their school websites under domain.
Also on case by case, the “website grant program” helps hosting of the educational facilities, and non-formal learning settings, student clubs or teachers’ academic forums.
Our goal is to Encourage Engage Educate and Empower through learning and teaching in many ways to bring project based quality education to learners around the world who need it most.
Grantees will receive personalized training/support to host their respective educational organizations’ websites
We will work closely with our grantees to ensure that they are supported in website grant program, address the needs of their community.
Every school is encouraged to apply “Website Grant Program”
Click here to fill out the grant application .